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eau de parfum
Introduced by Guerlain in 2006, Insolence is a casual, feminine perfume that is perfect to wear everyday to the office or on a lunch date with a group of friends. The classic fragrance provides you with all-day confidence. It combines base notes of musk, sandalwood and tonka bean with the fruity aromas of raspberry, red fruit pulp and orange blossom. Spray the scent on your pulse points, and it will last all day long.

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Customer Reviews

Please bring it back. I love this perfume it is all I wear, now that I can't find it I am looking for something close to it.

Written by Constance L Henderson on December 01, 2023

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I love Insolence. While shopping downtown a woman followed me down the street to inquire: "What is that absolutely wonderful fragrance you're wearing?," it is so pleasant, like flowers of light and yummy scent. I wear it exclusively. Nothing else will compare. I love it!

Written by Anonymous on February 19, 2023

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This is a beautiful lasting fragrance, soft smell, a fragrance you can wear day or night. Hopefully they will bring this fragrance back. Not sure why it was discontinued

Written by Elizabeth C. on January 12, 2023

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

very lasting and beautiful I love insolence .

Written by Glsm on May 22, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Smelled on my coworker and it smelled fabulous, so I tried it! When I first spray it on it smells like violets and then it becomes this wonderful smell when it dries. I love it!

Written by Crazy about you on April 11, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.