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eau de parfum
With its mix of iris, lily of the valley, rose, mimosa and tuberose, Kelly Caleche by Hermes is a great fragrance for women looking for something to wear during the day. Introduced in 2007, the perfume can be worn in a number of situations, including a day at the office or an afternoon lunch with your friends. No matter where you wear Kelly Caleche, it's sure to be the perfect complement to your favorite daytime attire.

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Customer Reviews

Between Hermes signature collections and standard Hermes selections, Kelley Calleche has been one of my "day-in-the-office" favourite perfumes since 2011. It is sexy, fresh, clean just a head-turner.. literally. Some women will have the courage to ask what perfume it is but some will just smile- which gives me the confidence and the advantage especially when meeting new clients.

Written by Lorna on November 05, 2021

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Been a die-hard Caleche user for many years, but Kelly Caleche stole my heart! I do have to say I don't like the EDP, too strong. It's a great versatile fragrance very classy.

Written by Anonymous on January 02, 2021

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I have worn Kelly for a year, I am always complemented when least expecting.

Written by Sandy on November 27, 2018

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Kelley Caleche has been a favorite of mine for 11 years - I switch off between this and Iris Poudre by Malle. Of course Malle is too expensive to wear liberally daily that is where Caleche comes in. The scent is strong but not overpowering - it is has a very pleasant mix of its tones - not florally. I feel comfortable wearing a business suit or a dinner dress with this fragrance. It lasts all day and is a PERFECT CHOICE

Written by Kristen on September 02, 2018

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I bought this Kelly Caleche for my wife thinking of leathery and floral smell but for my taste the leather smell is too strong you smell like leather all day. Maybe the toilette version is better...

Written by Luis Sanchez on August 26, 2017

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