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Customer Reviews
by Hermes
This fragrance exceeded expectations quite tremendously. It has a very natural smell, and last 5 hours, which for an eau de cologne is awesome and definitely deserves that 5 star rating.
Written by Christian on April 21, 2021
Hermes, Eau de Pamplemousse Rose, is a nice blast of grapefruit straight up ! It settles and lingers for awhile and is not as heavy as when you first spritz on, its nice definitely unisex , it has a masculine air to it I find. Its not bad but not going to be my signature, that is why I give it a 4.
Written by Rhonda on April 25, 2020
I just bought this scent after trying it out at a cologne store at a certain three-story mall in Norfolk. Of course, I paid more for it as I wasn't sure that Fragrance Net would have it. And.... Fragrance Net does and at a much lower, lower price. I like the grapefruit scent very much. It's holding its own. Well, I've learned a lesson. Fragrance Net does not disappoint. I am enjoying the scent very much.
Written by RLO on November 11, 2018
Hermes scents are so deep, so well thought out, so well named. I am addicted to and will always have Sur Le Nil, Jardin En Mediterranee, L'Orange Vert and Un Jardin Apres Le Moussoun in my scent arsenal. BUT with that being my admission? I was hugely disappointed in this one. I didn't find it to smell particularly like grapefruit or rose, didn't/doesn't smell particularly like anything and all Hermes scents do tend to wear away fast but this one, unremarkable as it was with me, seemed to fade to nothing within moments.
Written by Christopher G on December 10, 2017