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Make an impression that lasts at any casual event with the appealing scent of Ecko by Mark Ecko. This engaging cologne for men has a fruity bouquet that's masculine in character and casual enough to complement any situation. First introduced in 2009, Ecko is constructed with a well-balanced assortment of notes including white grapefruit, black licorice, ginger, tonka beans, violet leaves and white incense. A splash of this fragrance will attract admirers everywhere you travel.

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Customer Reviews

I bought this for my dad after he ran out of it in the smaller sample gift set that Ecko has. I like it, and he definitely liked it as well. I would recommend.

Written by Wyatt on January 14, 2025

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My wife loves it! Me,, not too much. I’ll wear it for her. I would not recommend this to a friend unless he or she smells it on me. Then I would definitely tell them what it is and where I purchased it from.

Written by Lee Houston on February 07, 2022

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My wife loves it! Me,, not too much. I’ll wear it for her. I would not recommend this to a friend unless he or she smells it on me. Then I would definitely tell them what it is and where I purchased it from.

Written by Lee Houston on February 06, 2022

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My wife loves it! Me,, not too much. I’ll wear it for her. I would not recommend this to a friend unless he or she smells it on me. Then I would definitely tell them what it is and where I purchased it from.

Written by Lee Houston on February 06, 2022

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Excellent fragrance. Received as a Christmas gift as I have both Blue and Green. The minute I sprayed it, it reminded me of a cologne already in my stock but could not figure it immediately. After a few minutes it came to me --- Dune (discontinued) by Dior! Ecko is long lasting and to me does not smell like many of the other fragrances out there. Clean for sure and the licorice note is definitely detectable. Highly recommended!!

Written by CPD on January 01, 2022

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