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The fresh, spicy yet woody fragrance of Vetyverio is an appealing fragrance for women and men from the design house of Diptyque. Launched in 2010, this perfume begins with refreshing notes from bergamot, Amalfi lemon, mandarin orange and grapefruit. At the center are notes from rose, ylang-ylang, carrot seed, nutmeg, clove and geranium, while the notes of musk, Virginia cedar and vetiver is distinct at the base.

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Customer Reviews

I bought this just because one of the Indian Film superstar uses this... My experience is kind of okaayyiisshh... People definitely ask about the perfume... I starts strong but slowly smells suttle as the day progresses... It is definitely long lasting... Can give a try....

Written by Asif Ahamed on June 20, 2022

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I absolutely love it! Starts out potent then calms down and adjust well. I have gotten great responses on it

Written by Steph on August 02, 2021

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