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Jaguar's 2010 Vision has a brooding, turbulent quality that marks the wearer as a man of power and force. The base notes of this dusky composition begin with the sotto voce rumbles of dark amber and exotic Brazilian rosewood. The scent has a sharp heart of patchouli, and the highest accords are a rushing tempest of pineapple, lemon, and cardamom to be worn on casual terms and make a man's presence felt swiftly and without equivocation.

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Customer Reviews

Jaguar Vision is absolutely amazing. The ladies love smelling it on me and I get a lot of compliments and questions from guys asking what I’m wearing. Definitely buying again

Written by Anthony on January 12, 2019

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Vision smells quite similar to Gold also by Jaguar yet it smells less strong and more fresh with citrus. I immediately fell in love with Vision on the first sniff! I've only tried these two fragrances from Jaguar and so far Vision is my favorite. Any guy who loves fresh citric scents would love this one! Longevity would be a 7 out of 10

Written by Jesus on June 03, 2018

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