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Feel irresistible throughout the day with an application of FCUK Friction. This cologne for men, introduced in 2011 by French Connection, made a splash overseas before gaining a new group of fans in the United States. Intoxicating notes of mandarin and lavender mix with unexpected notes of leather and black coconut for a scent that will help you make a statement. Suitable for evening use, this cologne is an easy way to ensure that you make a great impression.

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Customer Reviews

Everything said on the website was true and I am really happy that I got my product so quick.

Written by Manjeet Singh on May 14, 2020

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For the price and the great scent... Lasts about 3hrs on my skin and aslo my shirt.. And i work at a Restaurant! I like it alot!

Written by Me! on March 02, 2020

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