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Customer Reviews

Not too strong. Adds a nice refreshing scent to the room.

Written by Anonymous on April 04, 2021

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Patchouli essential oils, another one that i love my whole apt smells i really appreciate the scent .

Written by Zilda on December 14, 2018

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I absolutely love my Now Essential Oils in Patchouli ! I use it a lot in my diffuser.

Written by Nan on October 28, 2017

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Now Essential Oils (patchouli) is a great scent. other brands last longer. But, they tend to overwhelm. This is a nice, balanced and excellent choice. I get 8-10 hours out of this oil. I will continue to order from this site!!

Written by Yvonne Miller on October 21, 2017

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We simply love using essential oils in a diffuser. The NOW Patchouli essential oil was specifically for my husbands pleasure. We both thought enjoy this scent very very much.

Written by Shesalwaysinthewind on October 20, 2017

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