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Customer Reviews
For Amouage Epic
by Amouage
I got the vial of this perfume and was expecting to love it. This perfume is extremely spicey and not the way I like. Inhale pepper straight from the jar and that’s pretty much this scent, it’s a no for me
Written by Tori LeBlanc on December 13, 2019
This has staying power. I purchased this based on several reviews that I read on line. I have never bought a fragrance without first trying it on. The spices in Amouage Epic just drive me crazy. A list of scents that I love are 1000, Shalimar, Balenciaga, Sira des Indes, Habanita, Trouble, and Kelly Caleche. The latter which lingers the longest. Now I have Amouage Epic. There are no words to describe how I felt when I put this on. Let's just say I felt uninhibited. I woke up with the beauty of it still on my wrist. If you want to try something different and totally sexy, this is it. Truly worth every penny!
Written by Norma on December 16, 2018