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An olfactive creation exuding some of the most masculine features such as intensity, energy and intriguing sensuality. A scent signature that celebrates the casual yet intriguing soul of Ferragamo’s man.

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Customer Reviews

really nice fragrance. definitely recommend if your curious!

Written by Mr. Sock It To Me on November 08, 2023

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Salvatore Ferragamo never fails to please. Going to be great scent for my grandsons.

Written by Toni on July 29, 2022

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I really enjoy the smell of this fragrance. From the beginning it has a very clean smell. It projects for about 4 to 5 hours. I definitely recommend this fragrance and plan on buying it again.

Written by Tony on February 07, 2022

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Loved this one immediately. It takes your expectation of a blue fragrance and gives it more depth and richness so that I could see it potentially working year round. Signature scentworthy if you ask me. After giving it one full wearing, I came back and ordered a larger bottle, if that tells you anything.

Written by Jeremy T on August 31, 2021

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Great blu smell I own about 40 bottles of cologne and this is in my top 10. One of the best blu fragrances I ever smelled.

Written by Calvinj on August 24, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.