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Delight the senses of those around you by splashing on a bit of Thallium Anonymous by Jaques Evard. Introduced in 2015, this men's fragrance combines top notes of mint, Italian lemon and green apple with heart notes of geranium and lavender to create a fresh yet masculine scent that attracts attention but doesn't overpower, making it ideal for all-day wear. Spritz yourself with this enjoyable fragrance before heading out for your daily routine or to make a lasting impression on that special someone.

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Customer Reviews

Thallium Anonymous is a must for every man!!! It's fragrance is so amazing and long lasting!! I buy it all the time not only for myself but as a gift for those whom I love - my sons and my brothers!

Written by Zahid on July 27, 2020

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Dont buy this one is terrible wow buy the original instead

Written by Jay on August 20, 2019

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Thallium Anonymous es el perfume preferido para los hombres de mi familia

Written by Anonymous on August 02, 2019

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WOW, simplemente genial, es un clon de Eros de versace, pero de la versión vintage, lo juro por dios que me aplique en la noche para probarla y me duró hasta la noche del siguiente día, despues de haberme bañado en la mañana y todo.... mucho cuidado con los puff máximo 3 y solo en clima frío y de noche, de preferencia en espacio abrieto, mi novia me dijo que el cuarto olía todo, cada vez que pasaba dejaba el rastro... jjj

Written by ANDY MORALES on June 07, 2019

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I love using it A spectacular and lasting fragrance.

Written by Hectorwrc on July 10, 2018

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