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eau de parfum
Introduced in 2014, Vince Camuto Bella is a sparkling citrus and sweet blend of bergamot and nectarine blossom with a hearty finish of fresh jasmine and white amber. Part of the Vince Camuto collection, this delightful women's fragrance is reminiscent of tropical scents with a surprisingly warm, dry tone. Keep Vince Camuto Bella in your purse or gym bag to invigorate your senses after a long day or workout, or make it your signature fragrance for every day.

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Customer Reviews

This Vince Camuto is absolutely amazing. I will recommend this to anyone

Written by Sonia on December 27, 2024

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I love this perfume! The best way to make it last all day is lotion your body then spray after.

Written by Bernice on July 18, 2024

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This is my favorite perfume of all time! It’s light and fresh and is such a nice pleasant smell!

Written by Anonymous on May 12, 2024

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Bella is all the notes listed on Fragrantica mashed into one fragrance. I found the fresh spicy the strongest note on my skin. It was a pleasant fragrance for me. Lasted all day. I would recommend only after you tried it. I don't ever recommend blind buying any fragrance.

Written by Kelly-Rose on August 21, 2023

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This Vince Camuto scent smells great. It's a summer scent hits of sweet and light floral (not too much). I love this perfume, but it does not last much on the body.

Written by NBaez on December 16, 2022

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.