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Mandarina Duck Pure Black is an intense cologne by Mandarina Duck that first delighted noses in 2009. Containing exotic notes and promises of the Mediterranean, Pure Black is the perfect scent for a modern man. A citrusy blend of tangerine and bergamot shares room with a touch of spice in the form of Indian pepper to keep life interesting. Tonka beans, vanilla, and tobacco base notes ensure that this is a masculine fragrance right to the end. If you're looking for an evening scent this is dark and brooding with a fun and spicy edge, then this cologne is a great choice.

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Customer Reviews

First off this one is fantastic. The tobacco is in the background while you get lot of citrusy and other notes. It’s great for the winter time. And I love it.

Written by Mark M on December 08, 2024

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It's a unique scent that many haven't experienced. As my signature everyday scent this is the perfect cologne to keep in the car!

Written by Anonymous on January 15, 2024

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A great fragrance for a confident young man, It is fresh, crisp, and you will be turning heads

Written by Anonymous on July 05, 2023

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I bought this blindly expecting notes of mandarin orange, but got a very heavy dated smelling cologne that is really cloying. I prefer a much lighter more subtle scent, but this is far from subtle. I know some people may like it, but it's not for me.

Written by Disappointingly Overbearing on December 09, 2022

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Good quality for the price

Written by Bill on February 11, 2022

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