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Customer Reviews

I just received this perfume and it smells amazing. This was a blind buy and not my usual scent profile but I Ana so happy to say I loved this perfume already. I can’t wait to wear it. It smells sophisticated and elegant but also warm and cozy and yet there’s a clean freshness to it at the same time. I can’t describe it any better. I know im going to get a lot of use out of this perfume.

Written by Anonymous on January 08, 2025

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One of my favorites! To me, it's a very nutty, vanilla scent. I always get compliments when I wear it!!

Written by Maddy on December 23, 2024

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This one is signature scent worthy. Definitely one of the more interesting designer frags I own. Lightly sweet and floral without being overpowering. I hate most floral notes and I’ve had traumatic experiences with some making my throat close up, but I love the florals in this. Longevity is great on me and projects quite well. My signature scent was Angel by mugler, but this has knocked it out of first place.

Written by Kendra on November 17, 2024

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absolutely love this fragrance. It is so inviting but yet not too sweet. Reminds me of Bal d'afrique by Byredo. But I get so many compliments from this one and it's become easily one of my favorites. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Written by DashulenkaG on August 28, 2024

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This fragrance was just a like for me at first spray. I couldn’t get past the heavy nutty note. However, after I let it sit for a few weeks, I absolutely love it. As it sits a bit, all the notes just came together and blended nicely and just smoothened. It’s milky, creamy, floral, and nutty. Beautiful

Written by DaisyLove on August 22, 2024

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