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Customer Reviews

This scent, it makes me feel so skibidi! See... after my waifu senpai dumped me for Chad... I needed something to make me feel more alpha sigma! Now Chad is the beta male, and I am deemed the rizzler of my school! Thank you, Chad, for making me realize that purchasing Dora and Boots by Compange Europeene Parfums would make me more alpha. Would reccomend!

Written by Productions of SKIBIDI TOILET on June 10, 2024

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it’s so juicy

Written by Anonymous on June 27, 2022

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I love it so much!!! They way she looks at you while you are pooping amazing.

Written by GOT THE MILK FROM YOUR DAD on May 04, 2022

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Very delicate yet sensual scent. When I first put it on the scent was mediocre but the notes were brought out as the day went on. 100% one of my favorite scents and I will be using it as my signature! I've gotten so many compliments on this scent but got a few weird looks after giving the name. Great sillage & longevity! Love my Dora and boots perfume!

Written by 4mi4h on May 02, 2022

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This was an incredible experience, It smelt like ariana granda and Mr. incredible i love it totally buyying it again

Written by Anna borshin on April 28, 2022

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