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The warm, spicy and leathery fragrance of Mercedes Benz Club Extreme is a dynamic scent for men from the house of Mercedes Benz. At the top od this 2015 scent are refreshing hints from lotus, bergamot and mandarin orange, while the heart is filled with notes from leather, sandalwood and amber. The hints of musk, woodsy notes and patchouli is compelling at the base.

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Customer Reviews

What an amazing fragrance! Smooth, warm, and masculine scent that is sure to grab attention

Written by Jesus is Real on July 30, 2024

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This is one of the better editions from the club line. This smells like a mix between classic Angel Men and pure malt. A more wearable A Men. Love the scent, decent performance. Get it while you can.

Written by Andy Greg on August 05, 2021

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