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Customer Reviews

As is typical of Nina Ricci, this is a gorgeous, complex, delightful fragrance that you can't help but keep sniffing your wrist to throughout the day to get a delightful wiff. It is soft and a little sweet and slightly powdery, slightly floral all blended to a perfect balance. It also gets compliments and inquiries as to what it is. I don't gatekeep, I tell people what it is. The bottle is beautiful too. The set is great because then you get the lotion to layer it with which is hard to find on it's own. Have purchased first a bottle, then the set. Wearing it now and totally in love with it.

Written by Anna888perfumecollector on August 10, 2023

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Lovely fresh fragrance, so typical of Nina Ricci. Not harsh. This may be my favorite Nina Ricci perfume of all.

Written by Luna Lover on August 15, 2021

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great fragrance and very good fijador

Written by Anonymous on May 26, 2018

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1 of 2 people found this review helpful.

great perfume! love it! Luna so different

Written by Anonymous on April 05, 2018

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1 of 2 people found this review helpful.