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The warm, spicy and fresh scent of Pure Essence is an appealing scent for men from the house of Pascal Morabito. At the start are notes from citruses, geranium and green apple, while the heart is filled with notes from cinnamon. The base is striking with hints from cedar and sandalwood.

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Customer Reviews

Pure Essence is clean, refreshing and pleasant to the nose. I just received my bottle today. It gives you nice citrus and tonka beans or vanilla. Very pleasant. It is not long lasting on the skin. You get 3 hours on clothing. Maybe 30 minutes on skin. Reminds me of Minotaur. If you're blind buying, this one is a familiar blend of notes. If you like fresh citrus and vanilla, you will like this.

Written by Pure Essence has pure freshness on August 12, 2020

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