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eau de parfum
The fresh fragrance of Royal Mayfair Eau De Parfum is a royal signature for men. Crafted in 2015, this delightful fragrance begins with hints of Lemon, Pine Tree and Gin at the top. At the heart lies the sweetness of Rose that offers instant freshness to the scent. The base notes of Eucalyptus, Cedar and Orange leaves a zesty yet strong impression.

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Customer Reviews

This is my favorite fragrance ever by creed.. the smell is very piney and early but very fresh and a nice fruit top notes..

Written by Jcolemanmua on June 15, 2024

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Perfect smells like flowers roses all my girlfriends love it

Written by David on February 15, 2024

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Unique and amazing. Need to grab another bottle ;)

Written by Uback007 on April 20, 2022

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This cologne/perfume smells amazing, like a straight up flower. It lasts as long as all the other creeds, unless you sweat a whole lot (as with any cologne). This, aventus & green irish tweed are by far my favorites! Worth the money for sure.

Written by Allen on April 10, 2021

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This cologne/perfume smells amazing, like a straight up flower. It lasts as long as all the other creeds, unless you sweat a whole lot (as with any cologne). This, aventus & green irish tweed are by far my favorites! Worth the money for sure.

Written by Allen on April 10, 2021

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