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highlighter powder with brush

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Customer Reviews

Looking for something to give a little hint of color during the winter months. Texture of the powder appears to be grainy, but is not. Used it 3 days & it gave somewhat of s boost, but accentuated facial fine lines & face looked powdered. Threw away the powder & kept the brush.

Written by Kle on January 08, 2022

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I’m not really a a lot of makeup person. Just lipstick a little blush and I’m off. But I bought this on sale I might buy another one JUST TO FRESH UP THE LOOK. You are going to absolutely love this light sparkle.. I could easily say 100% no doubt. I’m hooked hope they always carry this lady’s it a winner

Written by Star Bright sparkle on December 10, 2021

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SPARKLE HARD HIGHLIGHTER POWDER WITH BRUSH>>>BY BETSEY JOHNSON... I really like this product a lot... Very nice... Sparkles , but not overdone...

Written by Anonymous on June 01, 2020

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I am shocked about how much I love this highlighter from Betsey Johnson. It is not glittery. It is the most wet looking, blinding highlight! If you want more drama, just apply it to your brush and spritz the brush with a setting spray before applying to the face. It is so gorgeous! The brush is fabulous!

Written by Joanna Andino on August 12, 2019

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Love it , and the brush works well. Be careful with it, can easily break if not handled fragiley.

Written by Just Me on March 08, 2019

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