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Customer Reviews

Smells very good i recomend it to any one

Written by David Hinojosa on April 10, 2022

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Hugo Boss Reverse smells good, but performance is horrid!. Lasted only 4 hours on my hydrated skin. Not good! Projection is just average. If you are going out on a date with your girl and both of you will be close, than I recomend to use a moistouriser and apply at least 3 sprays and you should be good to go.

Written by Lucifer Sam on March 26, 2022

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Hugo reversed it’s different but it is quite delicious as are most of the boss collection and for me the scent last almost all day

Written by Carl on February 29, 2020

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HUGO REVERSED - BY HUGO BOSS I own over 50 different fragrances, designer and niche. I’m on my 40s, average guy, I dress formally during the day and casual/sport in the evenings and weekends. This is my review. Moderate projection, no wow effect, similar to Invictus Aqua but spicier, nothing special. Not an attention-grabber, it does not feel of good quality. Wow Rating: 3/10 Yuck Rating: 4/10 Uniqueness: 2/10 Projection: 3/10 Duration: 4/10 Ideal for: Sport. Recommendation: Nothing special, no wow! effect, no unique. Do not buy. Better alternatives: Chanel Sport Extreme

Written by AP on February 01, 2020

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