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Customer Reviews

Amazing warm woody scent. Ordered multiple times. I’ve had it last multiple hours and received many compliments from my girlfriend and acquaintances. Like I said very woody with a hint of sweet warm musk. The scent fades wonderfully. Overall 10/10. No complaints ever.

Written by Annie on December 18, 2024

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Its different in a good way. Only down side the smell goes away within hours, does not last.

Written by UnCivilList3 on September 29, 2023

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

Clean fresh scent. Perfect for Fall. Sexy looking bottle looks good on my shelf too!

Written by Anonymous on September 10, 2023

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

My favorite. Smells incredible from start to finish. Compliments abound.

Written by Sport on July 16, 2023

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Love this Fragrance the smell is amazing this fragrance is a magnet for women I'm a huge fragrance aficionado you won't be disappointed I'll be ordering a second bottle as soon this one finishes 10 stars for Mugler Alien Man

Written by Anonymous on April 10, 2022

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.