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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Bought this because it was cheap,i was just testing out some fragrances. Its long lasting never thought I would liked it but it has grown on me..

Written by Rodane on January 14, 2025

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For the casual lover of cologne...….this is a clone of Dior Sauvage....85-90% spot on......the variiance is very subtle.

Written by Brian on April 29, 2022

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This is a very nice woodsy scent last all day has good performance to it and projection. No odd notes poking out very smooth wear

Written by Arcane Nick on December 07, 2021

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This is a very nice woodsy scent last all day has good performance to it and projection. No odd notes poking out very smooth wear

Written by Arcane Nick on December 07, 2021

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I'm not sure if it's my body chemistry or just the scent itself but I was not impressed by this. I think it's a good scent, just not for me.

Written by I Drank WHAT on November 05, 2021

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