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Customer Reviews

this one is pure bottled magic. i love it. my girlfriend loves it. it’s like someone turned a sweet, strong, luxurious, and nostalgic coca-cola into a high-end perfume. the scent takes me straight to a breezy beach or a chill day at home, feeling fancy for no reason. even crazier? it smells (and almost tastes) like those coca-cola gummies i used to get with my dad at gas stations. instant childhood joy but make it elegant.

Written by ghouldi on February 02, 2025

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outstanding coca cola performance, lasts almost forever, leaves a trail, classy, comforting, and addicting just like coca cola

Written by ghouldi on February 02, 2025

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Great smell, I can appreciate how well done it is; however, this is definitely not a summer frag and leans more towards fall/ winter imo.

Written by Aaron S. on October 12, 2024

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fast shipping. great scent. feels luxurious

Written by Anonymous on September 29, 2024

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Luxury in a bottle… I’ve had a person made a U-Turn in the aisle, and ask me what is that and can you please send me the name of this Fragrance…

Written by Devon on June 05, 2024

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.