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Customer Reviews

it smells so goo and I got 2 girl's numbers with this cologne. 10/10 must recomend

Written by hikery dickery on February 05, 2024

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Definitely my favorite from all the cr7's

Written by 5dr on June 17, 2022

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I was at my brother's wedding when I smelt something familiar. It was Cristiano Penaldo's perfume. After smelling it I and my fellow family members went into a coma for 3 months. Shame on you Prenaldo because of you my sister's wedding was ruined.

Written by Pristiano Penaldo on February 21, 2022

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I got this for my husband blindly. . He loves it . It smells amazing and he got 5 compliments while we were out shopping . Will buy more . It’s nice , brisk scent reminds me of polo cologne.

Written by Punty on March 07, 2021

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CR7 plat it cool it smells good but doesn't last long 2 3 hours top. Cr7 red is the bomb & last all day.

Written by Kelly Lee on May 23, 2020

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