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Customer Reviews

A great Sporty scent. Mixes well with YSL Y or Versace Eau Fraiche. Doesn't last very long on its own. Fantastic denim scent.

Written by Franco Davis on February 22, 2023

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Smells great but, it lasted only for 2 hours. After that you have to be at licking distance to smell it. Definitely not Eau de Parfum, more likely it's Toilette. Then again, you get what you pay for.

Written by Water of Toilet on April 03, 2022

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Definitely a blue fragrance, smells in the same vain as a YSL eat lasted on my skin about 7 to 8 hours steong projection for the first hour to 2 hours very office friendly and smells great.

Written by Rj on March 21, 2022

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This is a fantastic scent that money can buy. Pleasant sandalwood notes with an aquatic touch. The sillage of it is second to none!!! Strongly recommended!!!

Written by Stevenw211 on February 09, 2020

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