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Customer Reviews

This was my first order from this website, and at first I was skeptical of the legitamcy but it ended up being perfect! My order arrived within four days. The packaging kept my perfume safe but was also very eco friendly because it was suspended by a cardboard backing and a small amount of plastic wrap, no bubble wrap or styrafoam, but it kept the perfume from bouncong around in the box so it was perfectly safe. This is my new favorite scent it smells just like orange blossoms but is very light scent which is what I like in perfume pearsonally, but if you want a long lasting strong orange scent this is not for you. I will definetly be ordering again I hope they get the new 2020 spring marc jacobs daisy collection at some point because it has notes of matcha and adorable green packaging.

Written by Camryn Harvey on March 15, 2021

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I love the perfume get lots of completes on it. Thank you.

Written by Tracy L Fulleylove on November 13, 2020

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