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Customer Reviews

Fresh, Smooth, Invigorating, and Effervescent

Written by Anonymous on February 07, 2022

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One of the 8 scents I interchanged all summer. Isseys Fusion,the Fig is dominant. Absolutely beautiful scent. In humid Chicago heat it held up amazing. Sillage was 8-10 hours. The other 7 that I wore from May-August, Chrome Sport Azzarro Solarissimo New West Versace Dylan Blue TB Martime Journey Clinique Happy/Men Aqua Colonia Lime Ginger.. Purchased all fr. Fragrancenet

Written by Ms.Dee ~Dee on December 10, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

The smell is wonderful, but surprised how small the item was

Written by Anonymous on September 10, 2021

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1 of 2 people found this review helpful.