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Customer Reviews

Wild Bluebell is one of 3 Jo Malone scents I have tried and it is gorgeous--fresh and green and sweet, exactly like fresh picked Bluebell flowers. The problem is, it's smells beautiful on the skin for about 10 seconds and then disappears. Woods of Windsor used to make a lovely bluebell, and so did Yardley--perhaps not as accurate as Malone's--but much more lasting--and you didn't need to take out a 2nd mortgage on your house to afford a bottle either! This appears to be an issue with Malone's other scents too. Her Nasturtium and Clover and Wood Sage and Sea Salt are just as lovely and vaporous. If money weren't an issue, I would just spray it lavishly and often--but it is an issue for me! Disappointed.

Written by greenelf on January 19, 2025

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This scent is absolutely amazing, you don’t need a lot and it last all day!!!

Written by Anonymous on November 05, 2024

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The scent does not last long at all. After about an hour it is completely gone. Very pricey also.

Written by Blt on July 17, 2024

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The best fragrance I ever had everyone ask me what is the fragrance

Written by Melissa on October 02, 2023

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Quite disappointed in this fragrance. It’s so light that there is nothing left after an hour or so. Very expensive too.

Written by Angie on August 21, 2023

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.