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Customer Reviews

Didn’t like it, gave me a headache after a couple sniffs.

Written by Montana on February 12, 2023

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Very nice fragrance. More versatile than X which i also have. Shot is sweeter and fresher. Nice especially at the price!

Written by Mike W on January 26, 2023

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It smells like spicebomb by viktor and rolf but less spicy and more lighter with a sweet coffee note. LOTS of compliments One ofthe best buys ive had!

Written by Edson barrios on December 12, 2022

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Holloween man shot is amazing smells a bit sweet. Smells like it would go perfect for wedding or going out in a suit type. Long lasting I wear this one at work and still smell it 8 hours after. 3 sprays might be to much so I stick to just 2 lol. I'd definitely recommend Holloween man shot.

Written by Mark on January 22, 2021

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