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Customer Reviews
by Disney
Being a huge Disney fan I was excited to be able to purchase a product that seemed to be marketed for women. Upon receiving the product I was immediately disappointed. The dangling charm is cheap acrylic with a sticker on the back. Disney really missed the mark here. They easily could have purchased a metal mermaid charm from Alibaba or Aliexpress and this would have made the packaging look more expensive. That being said, the cap is also cheap plastic. This could have been overlooked had the charm been better quality. As for the perfume itself, I am extremely disappointed. The smell is nothing like what I would have expected Ariel to smell like. Ariel should smell fresh and aquatic like water lilies or lotus blossom. This smells powdery and elderly... like my aunt and I’m in my mid thirties! So not impressed but this does not take away from the excellent service I receive from FragranceNet.
Written by Renee on September 23, 2021
Smells amazing. It is a bit strong but it sure does last. I bought it as a gift for a friend and decided to spray it on my arm to make sure if she'll like it. That smell has lasted after working out and through all the sweat. It smells fresh and strong. Definitely recommend.
Written by Anonymous on September 06, 2021