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eau de parfum
Bella Essence reveals a new facet of the Oscar de la Renta woman as part of the Bella Collection. She is radiant and graceful, captivating all those around her with an enchanting aura. She evokes the feeling of falling in love and leaves an unforgettable impression. Olfactory family: Sparkling Floral Oriental.

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Customer Reviews

Every day scent. This fragrance is a easy blond buy. It’s soft yet long lasting. Floral but not too mature smelling. It’s easily layered with other fragrances like Gucci guilty or Burberry her but strong enough to stand on its own.

Written by Essence on August 18, 2022

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This scent is not only beautiful but makes me feel beautiful when wearing it. Definitely recommend.

Written by D86ATX on December 26, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

This fragrance is divine. The grapefruit blast you get in the initial spray is delicious. And the dry down vanilla is beautiful! You will not regret this purchase!

Written by Anonymous on October 20, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.