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Customer Reviews

It a very noticable smell it has got me a lot of attention from the warm vagrant smell I was asked plenty of times what do I have on it last to me a while most part of the day I rate all good in my book.

Written by Barry Henderson on January 05, 2025

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Great fragrance smells simpler to Dior homme eau

Written by Anonymous on September 01, 2023

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This is one of the best flankers of the line. It takes the iris note in a different direction, and it smells very nice. This is a great work scent.

Written by SM on February 16, 2023

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Too fruity and generic for me to love it. Great for evening professional and casual. It just smells like everything else.

Written by BD on April 18, 2022

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This thing is a beast. It has a unique fresh scent with some wood tones, but there is an underlying spice and sweetness that blends so smoothly. I haven't smelled anything exactly like it. Lasts pretty long. Rich and heavy but with a freshness. Could be an all year scent if you regulate how much you spray.

Written by Your Mother's Favorite Guy to Smell on April 05, 2022

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