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eau de parfum
The woody and sweet fragrance of What About Pop is a stimulating scent for women and men. Launched in 2019, this scent begins with top notes from caramel, hawthorn and popcorn. The notes of Madagascar Vanilla, night blooming jasmine and whipped cream fill the center, while the base is invigorating with notes from musk, ambergris, Madagascar vetiver, ebony and benzoin.

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Customer Reviews

What About Pop is my favorite perfume. So I was excited to find it here at a good price. Sovi got two. Unfortunately they're not the same quality. I can't smell the popcorn note like my original bottle and the scent does not last. I feel it's either fake....or got way too hot at some point. I think it got too hot. There was a brown substance in my box that leaked from the bottle. It's still a nice scent but it lacks its usual depth and doesn't last very long.

Written by Hannah on September 22, 2024

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I bought a fragrance from the House of Oud and loved it! The scent is authentic and the bottle is beautiful. Shipping was fast and hassle-free. I plan on buying more from House of Oud and FragranceNet has great prices.

Written by Ric on August 18, 2023

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