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eau de parfum
Jeanne Lanvin Blossom is floral scent for women from the house of Lanvin. Launched in 2022 this fragrance features notes from litchi, pear, citruses and black currant at the top. The notes of raspberry, freesia and peony fill the heart. The base is distinct with hints from musk, vanilla, amber, patchouli and sandalwood.

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Customer Reviews

I normally wear Yvresse and Loulou de Cacharel but this item was a blind buy that I immediately regretted once I unboxed everything. It smells horrible. In my opinion it’s like a combination of going without deodorant for a few days and then trying to mask the smell with a body spray. Save your money! I can’t even use this as a bathroom spray because it smells so bad. It is going straight to the garbage.

Written by Klee on November 04, 2023

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