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Customer Reviews

I want to try this perfume but the packaging really turns me off. Mercedes are not cheap but the packaging of this perfume looks plastic. Hate it.

Written by Lori on July 07, 2024

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I bought this perfume because I like the fragrance jar that Mercedes included in my Benz. Thought why not try this. I really love this scent as does my husband! I don't usually wear florals but this one is fresh, sweet, yummy and seductive. The pear and jasmine are delicious. It also lasts a long time- I spritz a bit in my hair at night and it's still lingering in the morning. I love this perfume. She sits next to my YSL and Gucci fragrances.

Written by Selina on May 23, 2024

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I loved it so much i am going to buy the big bottle!

Written by Jenny on July 27, 2023

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