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eau de parfum
Tulum, Cannes or Bora Bora? Get lost in the sun with a fragrance that will transport you to your next beach getaway. The coconut cream makes the opening soft and creamy, while the sugar and tiare create the perfect combination between sweet and flowery. The base notes of vanilla and sweet musk ground the fragrance in the most feminine and delicate way possible.

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Customer Reviews

This is not a coconut. It smells like a flowery powdered bouquet of flowers. Not a fan even if it’s a reasonable price. I use it for bathroom spray

Written by Anonymous on August 30, 2024

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Pleasantly surprised!! I tried Coco Soleil out on a whim and it is one of my go-to scents, really great for layering! I pair this with other coconut perfumes (Coco Soleil goes on first) and it highlights the true coconut smell in my other perfumes. I have gotten quite a few compliments when wearing this and would purchase again since it is at a great price point too!

Written by Perfect Coconut Pairing Scent on July 10, 2024

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This smells like the beach, sweet but not too sweet, you can definitely smell the coconut, sunscreen smell and it's not synthetic or cloying, it's just perfect for the summer, and it lasts for hours, the projection is about 3-4 feet, definitely worth a try if your a coconut girlie like me.

Written by Karen on July 03, 2024

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