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Customer Reviews

If I could Re do a review after wearing. I would say it’s like Club de Nuit intense for men in nature. In the way it is sharp on the opening. But smells more like Versace after it settles down. Because personally I don’t like Versace Eros anymore because they ruined it. Made it weak. This is definitely stronger. And much cheaper. Worth a try because you may learn to love it. Or just buy more expensive juice later.

Written by Anonymous on November 04, 2024

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Way stronger. I don’t remember Versace being so strong. And more powdery like. I remember more of a freshy edt like fragrance. This can be too cloying easily if you don’t watch it. It was my nephews favorite so I got it. It’s been about 5 or 6 years. But no it didn’t smell like that. And it does smell good. And performs ok. Worth $20 easy. But not Versace to me.

Written by Anonymous on October 24, 2024

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