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Customer Reviews

I've been wearing Aphrodite this summer and find it lasts so well. I really like fruity, tropical perfumes but had been looking for one which had lasting power as I find a lot of lighter and fresher perfumes don't last. Just repurchased another bottle.

Written by Sarah on August 30, 2024

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Aprodite is absolutely amazing I love coconut and tropical fragrances especially for the summertime the bottle is very unique as I take interest in the bottle before I purchase a fragrances and this is a definite winner for me❤️

Written by Emily on August 29, 2024

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This is an interesting tropical scent profile, it is not sunscreen and not fruity sweet candy like Escada, there is a fruity mango note but it is more like a fresh shampoo, slightly aquatic green floral and some freshness from the palm. I find it similar in style to Skylar Lime Sands but with a more soapy lime note. Quite long lasting, I sprayed it in my hair and could still smell it several hours later. Nice for summer, or a resort or beach. Notes are Mango, Lotus, Palm Leaf, Coconut and Aquatic notes.

Written by Caravand on August 29, 2024

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