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Enjoy endless compliments when you wear 24 Faubourg by Hermes. A fresh, feminine fragrance with notes of orange blossom, amber, vanilla and jasmine, this perfume epitomizes elegance and sophistication with a hint of oriental spice and a lingering floral after-note. Introduced in 1995, it is the perfect way to play up your feminine attributes. Never overpowering, the delicate and alluring scent is ideal for any casual setting, and it makes a great signature scent for the woman who relishes feeling classy and special every day.

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Customer Reviews

24 Faubourg (Hermes) Is very sensual perfume. I have been using it for more than 3 years and is elegant and sexy. It is my all time favorite ❤️ my first bottle was a gift and now I’m hooked on it……

Written by Donna Jean on August 14, 2024

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Too strong , it’s annoying and very obnoxious smell, sorry

Written by Tash on August 17, 2023

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I’ve been wearing 24 Faubourg for about 22 yrs. My grand children love that anything they get out of my closet smells like me. I get stopped at restaurants and recently got stopped at a dress shop by a young retail girl who asked what I was wearing telling me she thought it was great that the fragrance was still in the dressing room after I walked out. It is the only fragrance I wear. Jeannine Dupuis. Dallas, Tx

Written by Anonymous on July 03, 2023

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This is a beautiful scent. I bought the EDT which is bit weak and doesn’t last. Next time I will be sure to buy the perfume.

Written by Anonymous on August 22, 2021

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24 Faubourg is the address in Paris where Hermes is located. It's my #1 fragrance. It smells similar to Fred Hayman's Touch, XLouis for Women by Eternal Love Parfums, and Cabotine by Parfums Gres. I would say though that 24 Faubourg has more of an ambery undertone similar to Ysatis by Givenchy, which I also love and is only one-third the price of 24 Faubourg. All I can say is that 24 Faubourg is an opulent ambery long-lasting fragrance. It is SOOO good!!!

Written by Frag Aficionado on August 17, 2021

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