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eau de parfum
Distinctive yet sensual, Joop! Eau de Parfum is a confident and bold aroma for women from the house of All About Eve. Introduced in 1996, this intimate fragrance opens with floral notes and freshness of Green Apple. The composition has Cinnamon and Jasmine in the middle, while the base is woody and sweet with notes from Vanilla and Vetiver.

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Customer Reviews

Beautiful fragrance, adorable little bottle. I know it's called all about Eve and the name Joop sounds a bit odd but, I won't let that stop me from enjoying it.

Written by Anonymous on June 01, 2024

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Its a lovely fragrance, very sweet.

Written by MD on March 10, 2024

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

I first got this fragrance in 1997,but in the lotion and it was the best smell ever. Everyone's on point here, all about eve has a soft fruity smell that makes you think of Christmas but it can also be worn in the Summertime too. Matter of fact, anyone can wear this at any time of the year so go right ahead & buy it yourself or for family & friends.

Written by Melanie on August 19, 2023

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I love any fragrance with green or red apples in it & All about Eve by Joop is definitely right up there with Be delicious. Both smell identical but this one was within my budget range so I'm satisfied with my choice.

Written by uberchick on July 06, 2022

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

very pleasant fragrance. I plan to purchase this again in the future.

Written by Mary on May 03, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.