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Customer Reviews

It is a sexy, manly, clean scent! Lasts long but not overpowering. You must store it away from sunlight to keep it integrity. It’s an oldie but a goodie ❤️

Written by Loredana Zinca on January 12, 2025

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Lovvvve This Chanel Homme Especially On My Huzzbands Clothing, When He Leaves Every Morning My Dog

Written by Ana Dece on December 06, 2021

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Over the years I have loved Chanel's Allure Homme....it has a hauntingly clean fragrance and by the end of the day, no matter what, it still has a really neat scent. And others notice that!

Written by TH on April 27, 2020

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I absolutely LOVE Allure Homme! I do, however, have a bottle with about half left in in. When I sprayed it, it smelled like it had "turned" and smell a musty/spoiled undertone. I don't know if this is due to the ingredients that were used going bad, if organic ingredients were used, or if I purchased the bottle over five years ago. Anyway, it is probably best to use it up within a reasonable time for fear of it "turning" on you. It is a very classy fragrance, unlike any other (as are most Chanel fragrances).

Written by JR on June 12, 2019

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