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body cream
Since 1992, Angel perfume from Thierry Mugler has provided women with an intriguing fragrance that is filled with possibilities. Its vanilla, sandalwood and patchouli scent is mixed with a number of fruit fragrances, including peach and melon, to give you the right perfume for your next daytime adventure. It's the perfect fragrance to go with your favorite outfit, allowing you to smell and look fabulous for your upcoming day on the town with your family and friends.

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Customer Reviews

Angel is my "signature" fragrance. I constantly get compliments. Some have to ask what it is so they can buy it for their wife, etc. The body cream is a supreme indulgence! My favorite comment to me was "you smell delicious"! I hope you get more in soon...I am rationing what I have left!

Written by Love it! on December 24, 2021

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I've been wearing Angel for the last 18 years...I don't buy any other perfume other from Angel especially the "body cream". I am very disappointed to hear that body cream has been sold out. can you please let me know when is the next available shipment please. I live in New Zealand.

Written by Setita Tuionetoa on December 06, 2021

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I am 78 years old and have been wearing nothing but Angel for the past 15 years. I have always ordered my Angel from you and would like to do so again. Please be sure to let me know when it is back in stock.

Written by Mary on October 31, 2021

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Ordered this cream to enhance my Angel cologne and shower gel. It is VERY potent! I can only use a dime size portion of this and I cut it with an unscented lotion. I WILL never need to reorder unless the scent goes flat in the jar. I went to the DMV and, in a huge room full of people, the clerk who waited on me commented on my fragrance. Said she smelled it when I came in and identified the brand! Whew! A little goes a real long way!

Written by Dr LK on September 14, 2021

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I truly love Thierry Mugler Body Creme. It's the best! I always look for this Body creme first, when shopping.

Written by Gloria Webster on August 24, 2021

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