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Aramis by Aramis is a bold, luxurious cologne for men that mixes the scent of rich spices and sandalwood with leather, moss and clove. This unforgettably masculine scent brings with it a sense of ages past and is sure to turn heads wherever you go. Introduced in 1965, Aramis is ideal for evenings. Splash it on before you head out for a night on the town and enjoy the air of elegance and sophistication it gives you.

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Customer Reviews

I like the aramis tobacco reserve better. It s strong and lasts. This one got so weak overtime

Written by Zeneb on February 09, 2025

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I have been using this product since 1969 and. The scent was very strong. You could Smell the scent the very next day! Scent very weak. Johnny.

Written by Anonymous on September 17, 2024

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i understand aramis is weaker than don't i when i first started using it been looking but they have very much changed it very weak scents not long lasting at all!

Written by LRandolph on June 29, 2024

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

Very weak smell. Doesn't last long. Been using it for years and it's not the same. Made mistake and bought 2 bottles. WILL NOT BUY AGAIN.

Written by Darrell, Unhappy in S.C. on April 08, 2024

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5 of 5 people found this review helpful.

It not strong like back in day when I first started using it but I still love it.

Written by Steve on September 05, 2023

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1 of 2 people found this review helpful.