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Fragrant fruits blend with a floral scent of jasmine and roses in Casual by Paul Sebastian. The women's fragrance was introduced in 1995 and is a classic fragrance that symbolizes excellence and sophistication. Casual is the perfect fragrance to wear at the next board meeting or while you are attending your favorite sporting event with the boys. It is a subtle fragrance yet not overpowering. Simply spray the fragrance on your wrists and neck, and you will have a pleasing aroma that lasts all day.

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Customer Reviews

I've been wearing the cologne for years I only wish they had body lotion with it too.

Written by Shirlene Morgan on December 12, 2024

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I’ve been using & enjoying casual for years. I only wish is to order casual for my hubby.

Written by Mary H. on September 30, 2024

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I’ve been wearing casual for many years and I get compliments all the time . I love it

Written by Paula on September 01, 2024

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I LOVE Casual. It’s a beautiful floral fragrance that smells heavenly. The smell is intoxicating! I’m thrilled that I tried this! Perfect!

Written by Robin on June 20, 2024

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I have been wearing Casual for at least 25 years! It's clean and fresh and I love it!

Written by Anna on November 04, 2023

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