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D & G Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana is a fragrance made for the casual woman. Introduced in 2001, this perfume features a subtle scent that will bring you the attention you desire. Its mix of apple, rose, jasmine and musk fragrances gives it a unique scent that is perfect for your next social event. Whether you are attending a lunchtime gathering of friends and family or a happy hour with your colleagues, this is right perfume for you.

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Customer Reviews

This was a gift for daughter. Arrived in timely manner in a sealed box. Brand new, just as described. She loved the gift and I loved the great price.

Written by Sugabaka on February 05, 2025

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Very refreshing, ideal for summer

Written by Anonymous on February 01, 2025

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This is one of my FAVORITE scents! It’s crisp, clean and just that perfect touch of “sour” lemon IMO. It’s so fresh and clean smelling!

Written by Crystal B. on January 30, 2025

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I bought this for my mother, she loves the warm scents of jasmine and musk. A must buy for anyone with a special woman in their lives.

Written by Samuel on January 22, 2025

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I bought the tester I'm not upset but not happy it's a step down never again I will stick with the big bottle ir the regular it doesn't smell the same , it doesn't bubble like the non tester does it's lighter in color while the other non tester is a slight yellow and smells way better but will give you a A for effort

Written by Sunny on January 18, 2025

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