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Expand your fragrance collection and showcase your alluring personality with the citrus aroma of Eau du Sud. Launched in 1996 by Annick Goutal, this unisex fragrance features a mixture of fruity notes balanced by deep scents designed to linger all day long. Bask in the soft and sweet notes of mandarin orange and jasmine blended with dramatic touches of mint, basil and bergamot that offer a mysterious edge. Designed for casual or formal wear, Eau du Sud is made for your daily grooming routine to keep you feeling confident.

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Customer Reviews

I use different perfume now

Written by Anonymous on May 27, 2020

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I like this fragrance for my daily using. Warm. Woody. Unisex.

Written by tatf on February 04, 2018

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.