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The earthy, aromatic and woody fragrance of Esencia is a seductive and elegant fragrance for men from the house of Loewe. Launched in 2018, this perfume features notes from lavender, vetiver, sandalwood and moss.

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Customer Reviews

Huge fan of Loewe's fragrances and this one didn't disappoint. It's a lovely fougere that floats around your skin and attracts attention to those who get close enough to you. You're going to smell great wearing this. This can be worn all day, all night. Office, party, etc. It just doesn't last as long as some of the other Loewe fragrances.

Written by Bex on June 07, 2024

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Smell awesome will purchase in future for my man

Written by Evett on December 30, 2021

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Esencia De Loewe by Loewe Excellent!

Written by CRUZ on September 06, 2018

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Esencia by Loewe is the only cologne that I will wear. It has an incredible scent and both men and women always inquire as to what I am wearing. There is not a day that I am not wearing this wonderful cologne. It is appropriate for all type of occasions.

Written by Anonymous on July 16, 2018

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Esencia De Loewe, Very masculine and sexy, its the scent my boyfriend prefers on me, the smell is like nothing else, this fragrance had all good things in it self, its one of my all time favorites all over the years, Super sexy!!!

Written by René Olivera on December 29, 2017

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2 of 3 people found this review helpful.