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Customer Reviews
by Caron
I received my order of Fleur de Rocaille, which you asked that I review... I do not like it at all, and would give it minus stars if possible. I have used this fragrance for at least 25 years, and this seems to have no scent at all. The Eau de toilette, which I purchased from you for many, many years was delightful, and I received many compliments and inquiries about it. Even that scent was different from the original, however. Wish you could get it again, as I really miss it, - the "Scent of a Woman". NG
Written by Anonymous on June 18, 2020
Fleur de Rocaille, amazed to find it here! My lifetime favorite perfume. I will order it as soon as I can afford it. Great price here, but hey, times are hard for everyone now. I started wearing it in high school and I'm in my 70s now. A beautiful floral, not airy and light like some, this perfume has heft and packs a punch.
Written by Miss Picky on June 13, 2020
My sister was very pleased!!. She used Fleur de Rocaille by Caron for many years in her youth. Then it became hard to find or very expensive. She was incredibly happy to see it again and states that the aroma is exactly as she remembers. She will definitely recommend to her friends your company for their fragrances needs. O, I almost forgot, the price was incredibly affordable. Thanks
Written by Anonymous on May 15, 2020
Fleur de Rocaille is an elegant scent that I have been using since I was in my twenties. It is very hard to find that perfume in the department stores but I am lucky enough to find it at FragranceNet. Thanks for carrying that perfume in your company.
Written by Georgia Landron on February 17, 2020