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Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden is a beautiful fragrance for women. Fresh scents of citrus and lemon mix with rhubarb, peppermint, oakmoss, musk and amber. Introduced in 1999, this rich, warm fragrance balances its notes in a complex character that creates a sense of femininity with a hint of mystery. Spritz Green Tea on in the morning for an instant burst of energy that will last through long meetings at work and lunches out with friends.

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Customer Reviews

If only this scent could last longer. I spray and it probably doesn't last even an hour. I love the scent though. It is such a refreshing, clean, calming scent. It is such a pretty scent to me. I would have rated it 5 stars, but I only give it 4 because it fades too fast. I guess this explains why it is low in price.

Written by Arlene on January 09, 2025

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It's definitely nice and clean. It's mainly citrus. There's a slight amount of the green tea smell to it, but this definitely falls in the category of citrus fragrances. Works good for spring.

Written by Davian on January 03, 2025

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I only get very subtle hints of green tea from this, but I really enjoy it. It mostly smells soapy, clean, and minty. It's a very nostalgia inducing fragrance for me.

Written by Bee on January 02, 2025

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Beautiful spa like scent. Comforting tea with citrus notes. Very clean, subtle & non cloying. A great scent to wear after a cool bath on a hot summer day. Refreshing and calming. No wonder this scent from 1999 still sells today. The best part: it's very affordable and is available in coordinating lotions, creams and bath care products.

Written by Beautiful Spa like scent on December 09, 2024

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I bought this for my daughter. She loved how this fragrance is clean and subtle smelling.

Written by AC11 on August 31, 2024

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